Best Yae Miko Weapon in Genhin Impact: How to get Kaguras Verity Catalyst

Version 2.5 "When The Sakura Bloom" by Genshin Impact has just been released and brings the players not only the playable debut of his new 5-star electrocatalyst Yae Miko, but also the debut of a new series of enemies and the two new story Quests. "Divina Vulpes Chapter: Act I - The Great Narukami Victim" and "Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II - Transient Dreams". Against this background, the new version also included the debut of Yae Miko's presented weapon, Kaguras Verity. But how do you get the new Catalyst and the best weapon for Yae Miko Genshin Impact ?

How to get Kaguras Verity Catalyst, Yae Miko's best weapon

Is Kagura's Verity Ningguang's New Best Weapon? | (Yae Miko Signature Catalyst) | Genshin Impact

You can only get Kaguras Verity, the new 5-star catalyst of Geshin Impact and the BIS weapon of Yae Miko only by desiring the current gaming banner of the game, "epitome invocation", not only the new catalyst, but also The 5-star sword primordial contains jade cutters. Apart from the two 5-star weapons shown therein, the banner also includes the 4-star rod arm breakwater fin, the 4-star sword pillar sword, the 4-star claymore rain slitter, the 4-star catalyst eye Perception and the 4-star bows The Stringless, all of which have received an increased droprade. The Weapon Banner Kaguras Verity is available until 8 March 2022.

If you do not believe that you can add the best weapon for Yae Miko to your selection, you can use either the 5-star Skyward Atlas or the 4-star catalyst The Widsite, the latter at maximum refinement, can also work very well, even if the damage between the then and Yae Miko's tailor-made weapon can not be compared fairly.

Genshint Impact is currently available for PC, PlayStation 4, Playstation 5 and Mobile Devices - Android and iOS. Yae Miko's Character Wish Banner is expected to run until 8 March 2022 when the second banner shaft of the version is celebrating a repetition of Raiden Shogun and Sangonomiya Kokomi Premiere.

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