Toxicity, reason why developers do not interact more with players

PietSmiet (auch PietSmittie und PietSmiet & Co.) ist ein Team deutscher Webvideoproduzenten, das seine Videos vorrangig auf YouTube-Kanälen veröffentlicht und regelmäßig auf Twitch streamt. Über den gleichnamigen und 2007 von Peter Smits gestarteten Hauptkanal werden seit 2011 Let s Plays verfügbar gemacht. Auf weiteren Kanälen wie PietSmiet TV und Frag PietSmiet werden auch Videos zu computerspielfernen Themen hochgeladen. Hinter den PietSmiet-Kanälen steht die von Peter Smits und Dennis Brammen gegründete PietSmiet UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG mit Sitz in Berlin (früher Köln). PietSmiet ist Mitglied im Multi-Channel-Network allyance Network, einer Marke der Webedia Gaming GmbH, an welcher Smits und Brammen über die PietSmiet Holding GmbH auch als Gesellschafter beteiligt sind.

Toxicity of players is one of the recurring themes when someone asked someone about the negative points surrounding the videogame industry. It is a problem with historical dyes, but what was previously a more or less healthy rivalry among defenders of one or other platform or supporters of a title versus another, has been enhanced to the end with the arrival of social networks.

A member of the Battlefield Development Team 2042 has wanted to address this problem as he was responding to fans of the franchise in Reddit. Ben Walke , one of the producers of says , has talked about how the players comments on the beta recently premiered, which has not been absent from criticism.

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The number of personal attacks I ve seen in a few hours is indignant Ben Walke, a producer of says Day one of the beta and we are already talking about people losing their jobs, he said about an offensive comment from a user. Have you ever wondered why you do not see more developers interacting directly with players? There is a valid way of giving feedback , and I do not think anyone on the team is against receiving it when it is done in a way Constructive. But the number of personal attacks I have seen in a few hours is outrageous.

These statements come only days after of the cross game. In 3DGEGOS we have been able to try the war sample of says and its new Battlefield 2042: Portal , which offers us a dream editor and promises to give a breath of fresh air to the saga.


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