Minecraft: The Wild update brings 2022 underground

Minecraft may already have more than twelve years on the hump, but I just have to look at, with which enthusiasm my son in the little sandbox creatively exhibited to know: the cult game of Mojang and Microsoft is still relevant today. And the developers are also working to further expand the possibilities of the sandbox.

After Caves & Cliffs in 2021 we now know thanks to the MINECON, which Great Update will be in the coming year in the focus of the DEVs: The Wild . All information that previously known for the wilderness patch:

The Wild brings with The Deep Dark the new underground biom, which should have appeared with the second part of Caves & Cliffs . The BIOM includes the ruins of a lost civilization and the new monster Warden (adapted to the dark regions and reacts to vibrations and odors) as well as fresh blocks types. Adjustments for existing biomes are planned to make this more different from each other. Swamps should be more gloomy, while in birch forests in the future, you should find great trees, a denser vegetation and more lives. With the mangroves, there will be a further development of the marsh bioms, with new tree and wood types. There are new animal species: tadps, who later develop into frogs, and firefenses standing on the diet of frogs. The frogs are the first cold bloodstreams in Minecraft (Buy 21,89 € now) and should have different properties depending on the BIOM temperature. In addition, the baby animals have always been small versions of the adult animals. The transformation from the tadpole to the frog is also a special feature within the Minecraft universe. You can now equip boats with a box to transport more objects to your destination. Fitting to the revised swamp biom, there will be mud blocks and mud bricks. Mudding you get by combining your earth blocks with water. There is no release period away from 2022.

How does it look: are you going from and at still minecraft or leave you the pitch sandbox cold? Track us in the comments!

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