[Genuine Nam] I decided to name it! Company Name and Other Game Top

※ [Genui] is a corner that sets a different theme every week, and introduces a game, character, event, etc.

The mission is very important. In addition to planning the first impression of a company, it also accounts for a very large weight on the brand image. Due to a great distress or cost, the game or IT sector is a lot of quirky mission that is often splashed in a small venture. Even the company that comes from the word "I did not stop this too" is often a company.

Then, when compared the appearance of the company and the present company in the conclusion, There are other places where the sound comes out. When I heard only the mission, the image that rises and the actual appearance is so different. Today, the Mission and the real appearance took the other game TOP 5.

TOP 5. Sumo Digital, is not a Japanese company, not a British company

Japan's flag of Japan. Unlike other martial arts and sports that are modernized to some extent and stretched into the world, Sumo is thoroughly adhered to Japanese tradition. If the public is not easy to train, it is not easy to practice, and it is a sport that is a sport that Ho-pilo is a sport, so it is produced and consumed in Japan.

However, I have been truly spreading in Japan's cultural export boom, and I am well known as Sumo, and there are many fans. Sumo Digital's name, which was acquired in the Tencent, is also affected by this. The Sumo Digital itself is a company based in the UK, and it was not known whether it was named, but it seems to have a power to the game like a powerful pushing spirit. Nowadays, in the US, Taekwondo academy is a child child care institution, and it is a popularity of children, but in about 10 years, it may be a game company like Taekwondo Digital Digital in the United States.

TOP 4. Sunday Toses, Sun on Sun on Sun

The origin of Sunday Tose, an Anifang developer, is known to be familiar, including Lee Jung-woong, including the Representative of Lee, Jung-woong, and the name of the Surge Room Caffeine gathered every Sunday every Sunday, and is a member of the member. After the hit by Anifang, I have a name that I had to do that I have been doing the company name so rough, and I do not have a good idea to have a good idea to have been doing so rough. In fact, Sunday Tose, this shining and emerging names, It is ironic.

Naturally, Sunday Tose does not meet with Tose to Tose every Sunday since its inception. The meeting is not a toss, non-torris, and of course, it is a case that Sunday works, whether it is necessary to be a thoroughly applied, and the 5th day of 52 hours and 52 hours. I still want to spur mystery, but I have not been able to give you something to Tose on Sunday, and there is nothing like that.

TOP 3. Ilsan Games in Bethesda, Paju?

The word Bethesda in Korea symbolizes an open-world RPG person who created a game such as an Elder Scroll or Fallout, Star Field. In fact, however, this name is in the Maryland in the northeastern United States, in fact. In Korea, there is a lot of people who know this is a lot of Maryland leading awareness, but there are not many people who know this city, but there are some known shapes adjacent to Washington D.c. It seems to be a feeling of the Goyang City, Ilsan, which is attached to Korea,

Anyway Ilsan SoftWorks ... No, Bethesda SoftWorks, of course, of course, but is where the position is Rockville. Bethesda is the utmost (as a utmost), and it is a pajaman feeling on the Ilsan. In listening to the 1990, I moved to the matching, and I mean, I am a part of the Ilsan Games Headquarters in the city of Paju.

Ark survival evolved gameplay in hindi parasaur tame elder gaming

TOP 2. D3 Publisher, where is music and publication?

There is not much to write its business field or maker on the mission, and the problem is that if the company lasts a long time, the business sector is changed or collapsed, and it is sometimes dependent on the original appearance, incorporation, merger, separation and separation. D3 Publisher, a Japanese game distribution company, is also the same. It was merged into Bandai Namco and became a subsidiary, but it was widely known as a professional company that makes a salt-type game before.

In fact, the name D3 is the abbreviation of Domain 3. The domain that is said to be a business field here, which was an ambitious plan to enter three areas of games, music, and publications in the early days. However, in music and books, it was virtually unable to develop a proper business, and it became a game company that specializes in the game. So, if you are properly pulling, you should be D1 Publisher, but your dream is a dream! Someday D3 Publisher can bring syndrome to the singer or J-literary system that represents J-POP in the D3 Publisher!

TOP 1. Ring, 6th floor?

Text-based Adventure Game Seoul 2033 is an indie game developer ring that took gamers to gamers to 2033. For the name of the company, it seems to have felt an indie game that creates a game that they want to create regardless of commercial success. In fact, as soon as the reporter listened to the name of the company, the name of the face of his face was the 'cheap coffee' of the face of the face, and it was a game that was a game made by drinking a cheap coffee in the ring,

However, the name is the name. Currently, the rings are located on the 6th floor of the building building of Shinchon. In fact, the mission of Gimmuzu is a joint representative, and the delegate of the joint representative is the name of the university, which was the name of the university, and it was the name of the game that made the game in the university. So, in the sense of symbolizing the company name,

(Bomout) Game Mecca, not Saudi, not in Korea

Game Mecca is not located in Islamic Mecca in Saudi Arabia and is located in Mapo-gu, Seoul. Actually, the English spelling is also a Mecca, Mecca, and C is one more C than the Meca of Games Mecca. Yes? In Spanish or Portuguese, is the city name Meca? Just says the second meaning of 'center' in Mecca! Hot hot!


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