Fortnite's Harley Quinn cosmetics is available by February 17 - Harley - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and cultu

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The items are part of a Birds of Prey-Crossovers.

This is fair to say vierzehn days is still the biggest game in the world or at least in this conversation the biggest. As such, it has tons of crossover with other pop culture franchise companies like Marvel's rächer, John Wick and last Wieg of the Stars. Today we got a new one with the latest comic movie, _raubbirds, _ with his wild main character Harley Quinn.

As you can see the video below, you can now purchase two Harley Quinn costumes. One of them is the look from the current movie to which it goes to this event. Raubvögel, with the other is based on your previous appearance in 2016 Selfordkommando. It also has the Harley Hitter and Punchline Pickaxes weapons with which they can crack skull.

Vierzen days is now available on all common platforms. The Raubvögel Crossover and Harley-Quinn articles are available until the 17th of February.

Keywords: Android, Epic Games, Fortnite, iOS, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One


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