Apex Legends crafts metal - what does it do and how do you earn it? - Legends Rating - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

Apex Legends - Funny Moments & Best Highlights #571

* The production of metal is one of three components that you can earn in Apex Legends. But what exactly does it and how do you get some? The different currencies in Apex Legends can be very confusing. Apex Legends Crafting Metal can earn next to Legend Tokens and Apex Coins. Apex coins are used to buy objects in the rotating shop, while Legend Tokens are used to unlock legends and new color schemes for weapon skins that you already have. The production of metal in Apex Legends, on the other hand, can be used to unlock any cosmetics, from legend skins to banner poses and voice lines. There is a lot to browse, with over 2000 cosmetic articles and even more in future updates and seasons. _ * Apex Legends Rating _


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